Lima | December, 2015

Prior to the formation of ONDAS, a group of emergency medicine providers from Highland Hospital in Oakland, California were invited to host an ultrasound training course at the national Peruvian emergency medicine conference.

Three years later, a longstanding partnership with the Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo was formed, launching the first ultrasound fellowship for emergency care providers in the country. Our journey continued from there…


Today, ONDAS works across Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Mexico, with fellowship classes growing every year. In Peru, we are now present in four hospitals and have graduated a total of 16 fellows.

In our partner sites in Lima, our graduated fellows created an ultrasound elective for Peruvian emergency residents from other institutions. In the past two years, they incorporated residents from neighboring Latin American countries, graduating over 40 residents to date. They have also created an annual procedural workshop open to all emergency residents in the country.

We have continued to offer a point-of-care-ultrasound global health rotations for senior residents and ultrasound fellows in the United States. To date we have had over 30 individuals from numerous institutions participate in these rotations. Our graduated fellows have also been invited to present at numerous international and national conferences, including:

  • American Society of Emergency Physicians

  • American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

  • Conceptos Chile

  • Developing EM

  • Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina de Emergencias

  • Sociedad Peruana de Medicina de Emergencias y Desastres

  • Asociación Colombiana de Especialistas en Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias

By January 2024 we will have 30 fellows trained across four countries.

our supporters

We are honored to have received guidance and support from an incredible set of organizations and individuals—their involvement has been paramount to the success of ONDAS. In particular we would like to acknowledge:

  • Highland Hospital Emergency Department

  • Hennepin Hospital Emergency Department

  • The University of Minnestoa

  • The Phillips Foundation


  • Phillips Lumify

  • Exo Imaging

  • Butterfly Network

Our Journey